Tuesday, June 5, 2007


It's everywhere. I'm truly getting that chickens & dogs have a difficult time remembering my very stern orders to shit in the mulch pit..... NOT in the paths. Well, these heedless animals leave it everywhere.... including my front porch. Fortunately, it's easy to find; if you don't see the shit first, you'll smell it- and if you don't smell it, you'll certainly notice the clouds of flies hovering around it. shit. Happily for us, it's not difficult to deal with: we scoop it up with handfuls of straw and throw it in the pit, which we keep covered with straw or green cuttings to keep down the flies. Sweeping and hosing does for the paths and my porch, and provides a daily chore that keeps me focussed... and I still love the animals, even while I sweep and curse at em. I guess we don't need any pictures for this one.....

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