Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Lilies Of The Field

Oh MY. I've been scouting out more edible "weeds" around here ...... we have purslane, lambs quarters, miner's lettuce, chickweed.... all reportedly high in human nutrients. They don't only grow in fields, either; purslane and lamb's quarters are springing up from our urban sidewalks, between the cracks of rubble piles, roadsides and the edges of downtown buildings... with the addition of pigweed seeds- amaranth, high in protein- maybe we CAN live off the lilies of the field, even in a city!

this one's wild black mustard:
the seeds are used to make mustard,
and the greens are, yes, mustard greens.

Here's purslane on the left- growing up from a well-traveled sidewalk.

In the middle you can see a tiny little green sprout- I'm transplanting purslane from the sidewalk to the yard. One of the books told me that purslane has been known to sit neglected in a drawer for a few months- during which time it flowered and seeded- then grow very well after being simply laid down on rocky dry soil. We'll see.

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