Monday, May 21, 2007

Living In The Middle House

So now I’m living in the Middle House. We call it that because it’s one of three houses on one lot- yes, the middle one. The Middle House suits my practice: I have no independent electricity (extension cords, yes- I’m not doing without) running water, insulation, or conventional heat source. I’ve spent a few Springs & Summers here already, going “inside” to the Front House, which is fully functioning on the grid, to spend winters with my beloved housemates, who support me fully in my practice without wanting to join me out here- and who could blame em! It’s not easy or necessary at this point. I hope I’ll find the grit to stay out here this Winter… living here without (some of ) the usual comforts of grid life is a great motivator to explore alternatives.

Lack of $ is also a great motivator…. Some day I hope to set up solar panels and rainwater harvest for drinking water; until then, I get to explore available alternatives….. making it up as I go along.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Congratulations! The blog and the Farm look great. Really appreciate the pics--It was fun to see how things have changed since I was last there.