Sunday, May 20, 2007

Thankyou, Today!

I’m really experiencing the results of so many small steps today… I’ve been stumbling along for the last 2 ½ yrs or so with a BIG cloudy barely conscious voice murmuring “you don’t know enough, have enough, aren’t together enough…. wait, wait, wait until you have this or that….” Well, whatever, it’s always there, and like the rest of us living with nagging inner voices, I soldier on the best I can. Pretty damn good, too. Usually. Anyway, I’ve been rummaging around in the garden; the spring vines are beginning to twine over the Seat of Earth to make a shady canopy for summer naps, the green beans are spiraling up their poles- butterflies and bees, ladybug and beetle! The I Ching says it’s not effective to look to results, just do the right thing; theoretically I get that, and practice Getting it; but I’m not there yet, and GOD this is satisfying!

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