Thursday, May 17, 2007

The True Inspirational Story of Chicken Little

Chicken Little was walking through the woods one day when an acorn fell on her head. We don’t know why she mistook that acorn for the sky falling- maybe the little acorn was as big as her little head? Maybe she’d never been in the woods before? We don’t know why she thought the sky was falling, but we do know what she did about it- She immediately warned her friends Foxey Loxey, Henny Penny, Snakey Bakey, Possum Lossum, Chicken Licken, Turkey Lurkey, Roley Moley, and the rest.
They laughed at her and went on about their business. Later in the day, Little’s friends were walking together- maybe still laughing about Chicken Little- when they came across her on the road, lying there on her back with her feet in the air. We do know they laughed when they saw her: “Chicken Little, what are you doing? Do you really think you can hold up the sky with your little feet?” Chicken Little replied with dignity: “one does what one can”. That's the kind of people I want around me!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Comment from email: "But (Chicken Little) was WRONG,an idiot! Do you want idiots around you?" OK, Chicken Little was wrong about the sky falling... but I don't think being wrong about something, or making a fool of yrself in the eyes of yr friends makes you an idiot.... we don't know what happened after CL made the famous statement "one does what one can"... we do know she said it with dignity. Apparently s/he wasn't so butt-hurt at her friends reaction that s/he couldn't be reasonable; maybe the friends even explained why they were laughing- maybe they helped investigate how s/he came to think that and demonstrated an acor dropping on the head. CL acted on the best knowledge s/he had at the time..... The point is, S/HE DID WHAT S/HE COULD, silly, embarrassing, and totally uneccessary as it turned out to be. (I like to think the dire nature of the presumed emergency is why s/he didn't challenge the awful interpretation that the sky was falling in the first place.) I think s/he's a hero- and THAT'S the kind people I want around me,thankyouverymuch.